Ovid Journals (webproxy)

$ 19.99$ 79.99

WebProxy for OVID Journals:

Journals@Ovid is the second generation of Ovid Full Text, combining all the capabilities of Ovid Full Text Collections with several important features and functions. The database is an aggregate of hundreds of scientific, technical and medical journals from more than 50 publishers and societies.

Type 1 = 150 journal titles

Type 2 = 600 magazine titles + 2000 e-book titles

Type 3 = 900 magazine titles + 2000 e-book titles

See magazine titles in the following files:


SKU: ZL5KZM9D Categories: ,
Type (#revistas)

Type 1: 150 magazines, Type 2: 600 magazines, Type 3: 900 magazines


6 months, 12 months


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